Ann Brucciani Lyon
Ann has had family members and friends who were suspected of having or have been diagnosed with LBD. She says suspected because some of these loved ones displayed symptoms of LBD before the medical field had a diagnostic term for the disease.
Ann met Paula and Linda while attending the Minnesota LBD Caregiver Support Group in 2017 and immediately felt a deep connection to them based on the shared experience of navigating LBD symptoms.
While performing online research to learn more about the disease, Ann noticed that most of the information covered the medical aspects of LBD but didn’t cover the intimate details of what caregivers encounter or how LBD was going to affect daily life.
To help bridge this gap, she reached out to Paula and Linda and suggested creating an LBD podcast series — and the Lewy Body Life podcast series was born.
By leveraging Ann’s experience in marketing and communications and Paula and Linda’s extensive knowledge and experience with LBD, this trio hopes to provide information and support to those who need it most.